How do I get the Certificate of Completion?
Please sign in to, click on the Profile and then click "MY CERTIFICATES".
Your Certificate of Completion will be posted under your profile in the CanopyLearn system.
- Please sign in to,
- Click on the Profile,
- Click "MY CERTIFICATES" to view your certificates.
- If you right-click your mouse, you may download your certificate as a PDF or image file.
You need to achieve 70% correct or higher on all the quizzes and the final exam of that level to get the certificate of completion for that level.
If you need a CME/CE accredited certificate, please submit your request via the Support Form.
- In the "Question Type", select "Request a CE Certificate"
- Upload the screenshots of your quiz scores or the screenshot of your system-generated non-CME/CE accredited certificate to prove that you have completed the course.
- Select one type of CME/CE certificates you need in the form.
- The Canopy Team will email you the CME/CE accredited certificate in 1-3 business days.